🌿 Reflecting on the Success of the World Green Infrastructure Congress 2024 🌿

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We wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for your participation in the World Green Infrastructure Congress 2024. Your presence, engagement, and contributions made the event a resounding success, and we couldn’t have achieved this without you!

The congress was intended to be a catalyst for change, and the feedback we have received, the connections made, and the collaborations started are testament to its impact. We are proud to have shared this experience with you, and the sentiment ‘Ko au ko te taiao, ko te taiao ko au’‘I am the environment, and the environment is me’ – truly resonated throughout.

Highlights of the Congress:

  • Lyla June Johnston inspired us all, showing how we as a keystone species can foster biodiversity and abundance. Her call to learn from indigenous wisdom and rethink our goals and processes was a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility.
  • Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson urged us to “go greener, faster,” reminding us that Auckland’s infrastructure must adapt quickly to meet the growing challenges of climate change.
  • Simon Upton, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, highlighted the loss of urban green spaces, stressing the need for data-driven policies to protect these vital ecosystems.
  • Rob Stokes, Chair of Net Zero Australia, warned against “lazy subdivisions” in the face of the housing crisis and emphasized thoughtful, sustainable land use.
  • Julia Watson introduced the concept of Lo-TEK (“local traditional ecological knowledge”), offering a vision of ecological harmony based on living, co-evolutionary, and cyclical principles.
  • Sir Ashley Bloomfield led a reflection on the connection between green infrastructure and public health, emphasizing that resilient cities must prioritize both environmental and social equity.

A special thanks to former PM Helen Clark whose panel reminded us that urban green spaces should not just benefit people, but also provide opportunities for humans to give back and support the wellbeing of Mother Nature.

We intended for this congress to spark real action, and it’s clear that many meaningful connections and collaborations have been formed. Thank you again for making WGIC 2024 such a success. Your commitment to greener, more resilient urban environments continues to inspire us all.


We look forward to continuing this journey with you!

Ngā mihi  I  Kind regards,

Zoë Avery


World Green Infrastructure Congress 2024 Organising Committee

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Host City Partner

Congress Partner

Gold Sponsors

Coffee + Welcome
Function Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Keynote Sponsor - Eamon Nathan, and
Speaker Sponsor - Sophia Olo-Whaanga & Dr. Marise Stuart

Keynote Sponsor
Dr. Lyla June

Q&A Session with
Helen Clark Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Media Partner
